What is the Meaning of Leash?

Gili SUP leash

What is a SUP Leash?

A SUP leash is an ankle attachment that connects the paddle boarder to their board. SUP leashes are an essential piece of safety gear for stand up paddle boarding.

Why Use a Leash?

Leashes prevent you from losing your board in the event that you fall off - a common occurrence when learning to paddle board! On open water, a drifting board can be very difficult to catch, so a leash avoids this dangerous separation.

A SUP leash keeps you tethered to your floating lifeline. Don’t hit the water without one!

How Do Leashes Work?

SUP leashes attach one end to the board via a sturdy fixture ring or pad eye insert. The other end has a comfortable cuff that wraps around your ankle. A coiled bungee cord between the two ends allows some mobility while keeping you secured.

Key Features of Quality Leashes

Quality leash cords are strong enough to withstand forceful falls, but stretchy so they don’t yank you. Look for a leash designed specifically for paddle boarding versus surfing - it will have the right balance of strength, stretch, and comfort. And go for 10 feet or longer so you have room to move.

Types of Leashes

SUP leashes come in different configurations, but the standard ankle leash is recommended, especially for beginners. Once you’ve mastered your balance, you can try a calf leash for more mobility. Leashes that attach at the waist are less secure.

Using a Leash Safely

Ankle leashes let you SUP safely and confidently. You can focus on fun and improving, not chasing down a drifting board! Just be sure to practice falling off and recovering with the leash to get the hang of it. Then you’ll be ready to progress from wobbly newbie to expert paddle boarder.

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